Tuesday, December 20, 2011

O Antiphons, O Key of David

When I read this one I thought of Dad a lot because his name is David, as you all know.  In the last line of this reflection Dad says, "Advent disciplines us in the discipline of being forgiven, of living in the freedom of forgiveness, of delighting in the Key of David that unlocks us from our sin." 
Words for all of us to chew on and reflect.  I know that Dad was writing this reflection for himself just as much as for all of us. God's mercy is ABUNDANT AND FOREVER. 

O Key of David
Isaiah 22:15-25; Matthew 16:13-20
December 20

O Key of David and scepter of the house of Israel, you open and no one can close, you close and no one can open:  Come and rescue the prisoners who are in darkness and the shadow of death.

Keys are authority.  The one who has the keys has authority.  Shebna was King Hezekiah¹s chief-of-staff.  He held the keys to the palace.  He misused his authority by having his tomb carved where kings were buried and to enrich himself at his master¹s expense.  The servant wanted to be king.  And so he was stripped of his office, and Eliakim was called to replace him.  Shebna had to turn in his keys.  It¹s a dire warning to all who hold authority not to use it for personal profit.

God used this little bit of palace power politics to prophesy something greater:  ³I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David; he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.²  Those words are applied to Christ in the Revelation.  He is the one ³who has the key of David, who opens and no one shall shut, who shuts and no one opens.²

Sin locks the doors on us.  It makes our lives a prison house of fear.  Like the disciples in the upper room on Easter evening, we are locked up into ourselves, locked away from others.  We are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.  No matter how much we struggle against the chains and rattle the bars, we are unable to break out of the prison.

But Christ has come and entered the prison house.  He took on the Law¹s death sentence.  He stormed the gates of death and hell with His death.  He turns the key to our prison cell.  He is the key, the key that unlocks us from the Law and breaks the chains of death that bind us in fear. He sets us free to live as free children in His free city.

Jesus is the key of David, who opens and no one can close, who closes and no one can open.  And He entrusts the keys to His church, to bind and loose from sin in His name.  He established the office of the keys in the church, that is, the office of the ministry.  That is the office that turns the keys which bind and loose.  We don¹t have to wonder where the keys to heaven are.  They are in the mouth of Peter and of the pastor God has called and ordained to speak forgiveness to you.  His mouth is the Lord¹s mouth to forgive you.  The sins he forgives are forgiven; the sins he retains are retained.  He turns the key that unbinds you from your sin and frees you.  He does it no on his own authority, but by the permission of the One who is the Key of David.

Advent disciplines us in the discipline of being forgiven, of living in the freedom of forgiveness, of delighting in the Key of David that unlocks us from our sin.

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