As the new school year begins in our house I am making a new commitment to sharing of Dad's writings. I have many blog posts started now I just need to finish them!
But today I am here to again ask for prayers for our dear friends the Mingolelli's. We got some sad news last week that Mike will have to undergo triple bypass surgery. As you might remember Mom donated her kidney to Mike this past winter. This was a shock to us all. Amazingly his kidney functions are better than they have ever been. Since the surgery he has been the "come back kid." Energy up, color back in his face, and even was able to just two weeks ago play 9 holes of golf.
The medical hardship this family has gone through is beyond comprehension. But with every passing day I am truly inspired by the grace they exude and their faithfulness in times of extreme trial. Along with Mike I ask prayers for his wife Betty who was scheduled for back surgery this month and for their children Mike, Jr., Marc, and Laurie.
Mike's surgery is this morning (actually as we speak).
Thank you in advance for all your prayers!
Catherine (Caterina as Mr. "Mingo" always calls me)