I am going to skip over the fact that it has been too long since my last post. Instead of dwelling of my inability to keep up on this blog and because you all are graciously loving me through it I am going to get right to it...
I was looking through the good ol' files today and came across this reflection Dad did back in 2000. I read it over several times and a big smile formed across my face because just this morning God was having a conversation with me about my heart. Only to read later in my Dad's reflection that he is thinking about it too.
I don't know about you but for me, I tend to get to mass with about two minutes to spare. Life takes over. Today I "by accident" got to the chapel early. At first I thought, oh great, maybe I can squeeze one last errand in before it begins. But no, I decided instead to go in and sit quietly (gasp) by myself with no one else in the chapel. While sitting there I got this image of my arteries and they looked pretty clogged. I am a thirty-something who likes to run and stay fit so was surprised by this image... my physical body might be in shape but my spiritual body is on the verge. Thank you Lord for calling me out. My prayer today was Lord, unclog these arteries that are keeping me from having you flow freely throughout ALL of me. During this time of Lent know that I will be praying that same prayer for all of you too.
Wednesday, March 8, 2000 Ash Wednesday
Joel 2:12-18 ~ Psalm 51:3-6, 12-14, 17 ~
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 ~ Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
to me with your whole heart … Rend your hearts, not your garments.” Joel 2:12,13

God, show me what parts of my heart I am
withholding from you, what parts I close to your grace. Help me, during this holy season, to return
to you with my whole heart.
Such a beautiful reflection, and timely for me too! :) So grateful for how your dad continues to minister to us!