Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Advent reflections

It is hard to believe Advent is upon us.  A time for waiting and a time for reflection.  If you knew my Dad he not only reflected daily he also wrote many reflections for different groups, magazines, etc.

When I typed "Advent" into my trusty external drive I wasn't surprised when I got tons of hits.  One in particular that stood out was something simply titled Advent 2001.  I double clicked my mouse with anticipation to see what it might be and low and behold it was weekday lectionary readings from December 2000 to January 2001.  I thought, okay, this might be something I could post.  Just out of curiosity I checked to see what the readings for today were in the smallest hope that maybe this was year would be the same readings as in 2000.  I couldn't believe it because they are!  What a joy it was and another consolation from the Lord.  Another way to share my Dad's writing and his love for Jesus with all of you.  I am going to be posting his reflections daily, except for Sunday's because these reflections are just for Monday through Saturday.  If you are looking for a meditative guide through Advent for yourself, your family, or even a group at your church please feel free to print out or to share with your friends and family.  

I pray that this Advent Season for you is filled with Hope -- Hope that only a tiny little baby born in a manager could bring.

Tuesday, December 5, 2000
Isaiah 11:1-10 ~ Psalm 72:1, 7-8, 12-13, 17 ~ Luke 10:21-24

“O Father, Lord of heaven and earth … what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children.”  Luke 10:21

In Chris Van Allsburg’s The Polar Express a boy and his sister join a magical Christmas Eve train ride to the North Pole. Chosen to receive Christmas’ first gift, he asks for one silver bell from a reindeer harness. On the ride home his joy is dashed; the pocket into which he put the bell has a hole. Christmas morning he unwraps a final box. The bell!  Immediately he shakes it. 
His parents say, “Too bad it’s broken.” But he and his sister distinctly hear the beautiful sound. Over the years all his friends, even his sister, who once heard the bell’s sweet sound no longer could hear it. Our Father in heaven rings a bell – reminding us in the wondrous prophetic words of Scripture to prepare for Jesus’ coming into our lives in this day. Do we hear it still?

Father, let me recapture a childlike eagerness to hear the sound of your word. 

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