Saturday, March 5, 2011

The First of Many

I never thought I would be a "blog gal" but here I am feeling like this is exactly where I should be.

As the weeks after my Dad's, David Thorp, death I find myself still in a bit of disbelief. I have constant dreams about him being "back" and running to hug him and everything being okay. As it has been said to me, "that's just a normal part of grieving."

I haven't fallen apart completely yet. Yes, I am sad and yes, there are MANY days I wish I could just be alone to deal with the mound of pain but I have responsibilities as all people do for me it comes in the form of two very active, vibrant and did I say beautiful girls. Two girls who deserve and need me to care and love them.  But it is really hard to be totally present when your aches the way all of ours does right now.

Dad, as many of you know was EXTREMELY organized. Late one night, while on the computer distracting myself from thinking about "anything," I started to fish around the files saved on the external hard drive. So, I went a fishin.' And did I get a whopper! Dad saved EVERYTHING! He had files that he converted in his "floppies" folder that were back from 1987, etc. And that is just one folder! I can't even begin to tell you the endless amounts of files from talks, bible reflections, letters he wrote, etc. It goes on and on. I have only begun to skim the surface but what I have read has given me new insights into who Dad was. It has helped me to see Dad as not just my Dad, but as a person who truly lived his life to share of God's unceasing love for us. These files are the greatest treasure I could ever receive and I am praising the Lord for them.

My hope in creating this blog is that it will be a place to share my own thoughts, share some of Dad's thoughts, and give a space for you all to share yours too. I hope that this blog with give you the peace that it gives me in writing it.

Oh, and the title... you might be wondering about that? Dad started doing more talks and people kept on asking him if he had a name for his "ministry." He decided to call it New Springtime Ministry. He felt and I know still does that this is the springtime for the Catholic Church. And being of the same mind I felt it only fitting it remain deeply rooted in the hope of Spring after what has been a long winter.


  1. A beautiful first post, Catherine. We're praying for you and your family. Spring is just around the corner. :)

  2. Way to go Catherine! I agree with Grace - great start. Looking forward to checking in regularly. Great name for the blog - love it.
    Uncle Burnie

  3. Thanks so much Grace and Uncle Burnie! I have been so humbled by all the support. Thank you! Love to you both.

  4. Thank you Catherine for this effort to share your love for your father and his love for his faith. We will miss him.
    Ray Yusi
